Sunday, July 28, 2013

Granulation Tissue, School, and an Upcoming Test

I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday and it was suppose to be a pretty simple visit, my family doctor was just checking in and prescribing enough of my medicine to last about three months, but it wasn't such as easy visit because I had been having issues with my tube and there wast this bright red flesh growing around one side of my tube. Now, when I went to my GI doctor I tried to show her the growth because it was seeping blood and rather painful but she wasn't interested in anything but telling us we need to treat the eating disorder that I don't have. So my family doctor decided to take a look at the growth, and determined it was something called Granulation Tissue or some people call it Proud Flesh, but anyways he took a picture of the spot and left the room to call my surgeon and ask how he wanted to treat it. Here's a picture of the granulation tissue that I took to send to my nurse, you can see the red spot to the left of my tube is the granulation tissue.
After contacting my surgeon my family doctor said it was both of their decisions to use some silver nitrate and burn the granulation tissue as to force it to scab over and heal. So my doctor got out these q-tip looking things with black stuff where the cotton should be and went to work using the silver nitrate to burn the tissue. It didn't hurt me while he was doing it be afterward it hurt really badly for about 24 hours, or until the burn part actually fell off, I know kinda gross right? Now I have to go back on Tuesday to my family doctor so he can look at the area and possibly burn it again. Sounds like so much fun.

Ok enough about doctors appointments and the burning of my bodily tissue on to school. So as of right now I am going to be going back to school full time starting on August 14. I am extremely excited about this but at the same time I am slightly worried. I haven't been to school full time in about a year and going back scares me because I am afraid I am not going to be able to do it health wise. I mean yes I am feeling pretty good but I don't do near as much in a day as I would have to do if it was a school day, and on the day's I do more I feel like I got hit by a bus the next day. The other thing I am worried about is going to school with my feeding tube, I was made fun of when I had my NJ tube and am afraid that they will make fun of me now because of my more permanent one, but I guess I won't know how any of this is going to go until it actually happens......So cross you fingers and say a small prayer that when school gets here the transition is smooth and doesn't make anything any worse. 

The last thing I am going to talk about is a medical test that I have coming up this week. The test is called a tilt test and I honestly don't know too much about it other than it is going to be checking for  Autonomic Dysfunction, when is where they nerves in you autonomic nervous system don't work properly causing all sorts of symptoms that match mine. I will post more about that test on Wednesday after it is ran. 

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