Saturday, February 1, 2014


So I know that I haven't posted on here in a while, which made me decided to finally sit down and do an update post.
    Things really haven't been going all that well. I have restarted my feeds, because we decided that is what is best for me. Since that was done I have had more energy and it has overall made me feel better.  Now we are waiting to go to Cincinatti Children's Hospital to meet up with a cardio doctor and a GI doctor and then be admitted for some tests. With the hope that they can figure out what monster of a disease is causing my body to do the things it's doing or at least they will try and make me more comfortable. So please pray for that to happen.
       Now on to school. Last semester I took a full schedule or 7 class. And somehow came out with all A's but I decided that it was going to be too hard for me to do that again as it caused me a great deal of stress because of all the catching up I had to do for when I was gone. Plus the fact that school is very taxing on my body with having to carry books and whatnot. So this semester I have dropped down to only taking 5 classes, (Geometry, French II, World History, US History and Chemistry). So far the drop has only helped in the fact that my school day isn't as long now but the amount of work I have to do hasn't changed so it is just as hard on me when I am gone.