Sunday, October 27, 2013

Still not using my tube

Things have been rocky recently but I wanted to type and update. I am still not allowed to use my tube and that is leading to several issues, including constant pain and nausea, bloating, acid reflex, and some vomiting. Here's a picture of the bloating after I had eaten dinner just to give you a picture of what i am dealing with.....
I am still taking the new medicine they put me on which is helping with the added pain of eating orally but not the constant pain. I am also having and issue with granulation tissue around my tube which is currently being treated with a steroid cream and rashes from the tape that is used to hold my tube in.
My energy levels are still very low and I have been missing quite a bit of school due to me not feeling good or having the strength to go. So far I am, by the grace of God, maintaining my weight but its a daily struggle, if not a minutely one. Prayers would be greatly appreciated because I need all the help I can get right now.

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